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Welcome to my Smart Class Website!

Hey, ya'll! This is a blog dedicated to my Smart Class Website. Don't know what that means? Well, basically, I’ve embedded homework, my calendar, newsletter and much more in Google Slides format all throughout this blog.  Now I can update my students and parents super easily by just adding changes to my Slides in my Gmail Drive account. It has saved my partner teacher and I so much time and headache this year, and it works better than anything we've tried before.

If this is something you're interested in, check out the main Smart Class Website.

If you're someone techie or good at following instructions, watch the intro to this video to see how my actual class website works. If you keep watching the video, you can learn how to create your own!

Smart Class Website Video

And please don't leave before you sign my scratch pad! Click here to sign it like Miss Sunshine already did. Go ahead, don’t be shy! Then come back and refresh this web page. Do you see your message?? That's how the Smart Class Website works.

Update: My husband just created a new owl-themed smart class website design. I absolutely love it! Click here to check it out and sign the scratch pad there, too!

Owl Themed Classroom Website Design

Would you like to make your teaching life easier with a Smart Class Website created just for you? Visit the Smart Class Website!

Have fun!